Help us find Lancashire's Highest Tree

Help us find Lancashire's Highest Tree

There are ancient trees, tall trees and wide trees, but which is Lancashire’s highest tree?

Finding the county’s top tree will be good fun over spring and summer, but it will also help the us to write a woodland strategy for the county as part of the Local Nature Recovery Network.

We are keen to hear from people who regularly see trees on some of our moors. This will provide valuable information about how some trees can thrive on higher ground. It would also be interesting to hear about your favourite tree and other interesting tree or woodland stories!

If you have an idea of where it could be, please contact us with suggested locations, species and a rough estimate of height above sea level. Our team can then check each tree and publish a list of the top three highest trees in the county.

This information will be added to the woodland strategy, which aims to identify Lancashire’s woodlands and look at how they can be properly managed. This will support woodland wildlife and support conservation organisations’ work across the region.

You can get in touch with us via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or alternatively email John Lamb on

High trees on the West Pennine Moors