Two pigeons a-flapping

Two pigeons a-flapping

Pigeon by Dave Steel

The Wild had to come knocking on my door today, if it wanted to be noted for my fifth day of Christmas.

It’s Grandchildren Sunday and that means a bit of garden birdwatching if the new Christmas Games would allow the time. It seemed to create a lot of wild laughter.

Peeks out of the window into the garden, caught glimpses of a mix of birds visiting the feeders with a party of long-tailed tit taking a few pecks from the suet, before they scrambled off on their constant mission to feed-feed-feed in these shortened hours of daylight.

Chaffinch waited their turn to feed on the sunflower hearts and, when the greenfinch had finished brunch, down they swept.

A blackbird wandered about my messy lawn picking up a choice of food which ranged from sultanas to mealworms.

Then a woodpigeon sauntered in to hoover up some bread, but it soon lost its calm when another woodpigeon swept in. A wing-flashing fight began in which the wildest of the two birds drove the other from it patch.

A brief wander from the cosy Christmas indoors, in order to check the sky. There was a raven, a buzzard, both soaring with a few lesser black-backed gulls - all masters of a calm sky, which was a pleasant change from its usual wild and rain-clad demeanour.

The Wild then got on with its day as we moved back in for lunch.

Wood pigeon by Dave Steel

Wood pigeon by Dave Steel