Nature and Wellbeing Case Study: Jamie

Nature and Wellbeing Case Study: Jamie

Our Nature and Wellbeing participants standing by the herb spiral they've made in Chorley Allotments

Jamie who has been a participant and now a volunteer on our Nature and Welllbeing sessions at Chorley allotments shares what the service means to him.

"What attracted me to Myplace was mostly getting out and meeting people, and having a change in my life. My mental health had been bad for a while with anxiety and depression, and I wanted something to do with nature since I enjoy the countryside so much. I also wanted to do some practical work and learn new skills.

On my first Myplace session, straight away I wanted to return. When I went home I felt elated and fulfilled, and thought gardening and using tools might be something I want to do as a job in future. For a long time, I didn’t know what my passion in life was, or what I wanted to do. I worked odd jobs in a factory and I work as a waiter now, but I found working in nature and gardening really clears my head, my depression and anxiety disappear for the time I’m doing it.

Working in nature is a healing experience, the fresh air is good for the mind and when I’m working on a job there is no time to think about my worries, so I’d be glad to do that every day.

Jamie and Nature and Wellbeing Officer Jo collecting some seeds

Jamie and Nature and Wellbeing Officer Jo collecting some seeds

On my Myplace sessions, I’ve learned that it’s not too late for me to have opportunities in life, and I can achieve what I want even if I struggle with my mental health. For a long time, I was worried that I had missed all the good opportunities but now I feel like new doors have opened to me. I’m glad Myplace treats people equally and I hope people become more aware of mental health issues so there are more equal opportunities for people throughout life, for the vulnerable, mentally ill, poor and everyone else too. Sometimes people just need to be supported, told It’s okay and that they’re cared for. I want every person who feels lonely, anxious or isolated to have a place like Myplace to go where everyone is friendly and lifts them up.

I feel ambitious now, more than I used to before attending Myplace. I want to attend more volunteering or paid opportunities to do with nature or mental health. I will use my experience with mental health and overcoming my own issues to help others who have faced the same things, as well as people who have been bullied like I was earlier in life and help them gain back their confidence. I want to show them there will be better days and that there are really good people in the world. I also eagerly want to meet new people and make new friends.

Overall, after around six months on Myplace, I feel like I’m in a much better place. I’ve had the chance to escape from my anxiety, have friends to combat my loneliness and even get back in contact with old friends I thought I’d lost. I’ve got things to do during the week and people to support me, as well as gaining more of my own independence.

I’ve also gained more of an understanding and love for nature. I previously enjoyed going on country walks and the sounds of water, birds singing and the lovely colours really help to relax. I suffer from OCD and nature helps me avoid intrusive thoughts.

I would definitely recommend Myplace to anyone at all, people who may be feeling lonely or have Asperger’s like myself, or learning difficulties. Anyone who wants to make friends and meet new people, challenge their mental illnesses or just if they want something to do to get out of the house. I enjoy it so much that I don’t want it to end so I’ve become a volunteer to share my experience.

Finally, because I’ve been in a dark place in the past with my mental health, I understand that people might think it doesn’t get better. However, after coming to Myplace my mental health has improved, I’ve faced my fears and now I believe there will be better days. I’m stronger, better and happier after my time here, and I’m determined, feeling more hopeful for the future. Myplace is the experience I feel I never really got with school or college and I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity."

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