Pass on something wonderful

Being a mum and a daughter, one of the most important things you can do is pass on your knowledge and experiences of life.
So it’s nice that during Remember a Charity Week, which comes around every September, we are being asked to 'Pass On Something Wonderful'.

10th-16th September is the week where hundreds of thousands of individuals choose to remember a charity in their will, and that lovely theme got me thinking about the wonderful things that have been passed on to me to bring me to where I am today.

Now obviously there are the nuggets of advice you receive along the way (some more useful than others), but some experiences go much deeper than a fleeting comment.

The experience of nature can be worth a thousand words. Growing up I spent most of my time with mud soaked knees and messy hair, I never did master the art of glamour. When thinking about all of those pieces of advice I have been given, I would struggle to recall any - other than the one about being careful to check the colour of snow before eating it. For some reason that one always stuck!

However, ask me about the many trips to the Lake District, with soggy butties and emergency tents during sudden downpours, and I can remember even the smallest of details.

The first time I saw a stag beetle was in the New Forest. I remember trekking through a windy woodland path until we reached an open space with a fallen tree - perched on the end, not moving an inch, was a magnificent bug. At the time I was only around three years old, so in my mind it was the size of an eagle, but I quickly ran back to our caravan to draw it in my scrapbook.

I could write about my experiences for hours, each one inspired me to search out the next and ultimately lead to me working for the Wildlife Trust. Now, this isn’t an autobiography. The point I am making is that nature has a deep impact on all who enjoy it.

At the time we perhaps skip through a moment and don’t realise it but time spent in nature inspires the next generation of environmental champions. It improves our health and wellbeing, and it provides us with the natural resources we need to survive.

If you would like to pass on something wonderful during Remember a Charity Week, then please consider leaving a gift in your will to the Lancashire Wildlife Trust. 

Thank you,


 Find out more about leaving a gift in your will here 

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