Nature for Health Self-Referral Form

Participant details

There are a number of ways you can get involved with us. Please choose the option you would be most interested in from the list below.

Equal opportunities

In accordance with Lancashire Wildlife Trust’s policy on equal opportunities, we will provide equal opportunities to any participant and will not discriminate either directly or indirectly on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion or belief, marital status, civil partnership, age, gender reassignment or disability.

We would therefore be grateful if you could complete the questions on this form. All information will be treated in confidence and is collected for project monitoring purposes only.
Disability and impairment
Do you identify yourself as a deaf or disabled person?
Which pronouns do you prefer to be referred to as? This helps us to know the best way to address you.

For example: Your pronouns would be she/her if you'd like us to say, 'Yes, it's her bag, she left it here' in the event of you leaving your bag behind one day.