Turn of the year brings hope

Turn of the year brings hope

Rivington Pike by Dave Steel

Less challenging weather out there on the moss today, the birds’ search for food seemed a little easier as the sun worked its de-icing magic upon their snowbound larder.

A song thrush had time to check me out; a yellowhammer gave its beacon of bright to the day, whilst a male reed bunting looked less troubled as the stubble left from a cereal crop gave up a steady supply of unharvested seeds

My thoughts were ranging from the sheer pleasure in watching this active flow of life to quietly thanking the farmer who had planted the crop back in the spring, especially with this particular farmer knowing that in leaving the stubble he would be saving and enriching the wildlife on his land.

Further wandering, with my wellies kicking up the snow, which then enabled a robin to grab some food at my feet as soon as the grub was revealed. Man and nature, the mutual partnership in action.

Then it was steady steps back home, with time taken to look north to Rivington Pike, which was lit up by snow, and to pause and hope that the 300-plus pink-footed geese, which were heading west, would find the food they sought.

Yes Day Eight of #12DaysWild moved us all into a New Year, one of hope that in 2020 seemed to slip from our grasp.

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