What to see and do in June

What to see and do in June

The month of June marks the beginning of summer, and we cannot wait to get outdoors and explore the nature all around. Here are our top recommendations for things to see and do this June.

The warmer, longer days of June are here providing us with the perfect opportunity to explore the natural world around us. From the trees and wildflowers in full bloom to the abundance of wildlife, our reserves have transformed into beautiful, postcard perfect vistas for all to enjoy.

Below we recommend some of our top picks for what you can see and do in June.

Take a stroll around Brockholes as a family

If you enjoy exploring with your little ones, why not join us at one of our weekly pram walk sessions? A one-hour walk around the reserve on pram-friendly paths, these sessions take place every Thursday and are a great opportunity to engage your little ones with nature.

Book here

Pram Walk

Take part in 30 Days Wild

The UK's biggest free nature challenge is back for its tenth year! 30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts' annual challenge event, where everyone involved does one wild thing a day throughout the month of June. 

Sign up to take part as an individual, or with your family, school, youth group, business or care home and receive a free tailored pack full of tips and inspiration for your daily wild activities. Join in with thousands of people taking part across the country and experience all the benefits of spending more time in nature. 

If you haven’t already, there is still time to sign up here 

A fox, overlayed with text 'Go on an adventure with #30DaysWild'

Spot summer arrivals at Mere Sands Wood

Enjoy a delightful walk around the reserve and look out for some amazing seasonal species. See if you can spot common terns readying their nests on our new rafts, spy ospreys soaring overhead and observe butterflies as you walk beside our meadow. Mere Sands Wood is home to an abundance of species, all of which are just waiting to be discovered.

Explore more about Mere Sands Wood

An osprey flying over a nature reserve against a bright blue sky

Emyr Evans

Join us at Manchester's wildest festival 

Come along to Heaton Park on Sunday 30 June and celebrate Manchester Festival of Nature. 

This year’s festival will be the usual mix of family-friendly arts, crafts and live music introducing visitors to the brilliant wildlife of Manchester. Activities will include natural dyeing, mindfulness, forest bathing, a giant Jenga, wildlife recording, wind spinners, woodland games, willow weaving, seed bombs, scavenger hunts, den building, and much more. 

Find out more here

Two people dressed as bees at the 2019 Manchester Festival of Nature

Image by Paul Heyes

Learn about our local butterflies and dragonflies

Brockholes is a haven for butterflies and dragonflies throughout spring and summer. Join us as we take you on a journey of discovery to some of our best spots and provide you with hints and tips on how to identify many of our common species.

Book onto our guided walk

Male Broad Bodied Chaser

Ken Hayes

Learn something new at our Wild Wednesday Webinars 

Throughout May and June we’re running our series of Wild Wednesday Webinars, where experts from around the Trust take viewers behind the scenes of the exciting work that we do to protect wildlife. Each webinar is centered around one of the four main themes of our year-long Step up for Wildlife appeal, and our upcoming editions are taking place on 5 June (Putting nature at the heart of communities with Kirsty Tyler) and 26 June (Tackling the climate emergency with Alex Hubberstey). 

Learn more and book your spot on these fascinating talks here

Community garden

Katrina Martin/2020VISION

Picture Perfect Butterflies and Moths

As summer takes hold, we see the wildlife across our reserves come alive. Most notably, butterflies and moths. Red Admirals, Small Coppers, Hummingbird Moths and so many more incredible butterfly and moth species can be spotted across our nature reserves.

If you manage to capture some of these beautiful creatures, be sure to enter them into June’s photography competition under June’s theme of ‘Butterflies and Moths’.

Find out how to enter our photography competition here

Hummingbird hawk moth

Stephen Catterall